
We work in community and with those who hold power to dismantle anti-Black policies

Demand to be Counted 2020

We collaborated with Leggette ETI to design, implement and evaluate a targeted effort to educate and empower Black and other people of color in Washington state, including those who are LGBTQIA, people currently or recently incarcerated, children under five, and those experiencing homelessness, to understand and participate in the 2020 United States Census.

Strike for Black Lives

On July 20th, 2020, tens of thousands of workers across the country struck to demand government and corporations take action to confront systemic racism and economic injustice that is harming Black and Brown communities across the country. Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County, SEIU 775 and SEIU 1199NW are leading a day of direct action in solidarity with local and national labor unions that plan to #StrikeforBlackLives.

Black-Led Wellness Weekend

Black-Led Wellness Weekend is a time for Black people to come together to focus on our own health and healing. It’s an opportunity for us to care for ourselves and those around us; to receive and provide culturally-responsive services, resources, opportunities, and connection; and to support the needs of community. On June 26-27, 2020 we are joined with other community organizations to offer free health and wellness services at Seattle Central College. 

State-wide Silent March & General Strike

We called for a statewide day of action in support of all Black lives in Washington State on Friday, June 12th. The day of action will included a general strike and a silent march to honor lives lost and send a powerful message that Washingtonians no longer tolerate the racism that is built into so many of our institutions.


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